Detoxification is the first step in any health program
In our modern world, detoxification is a necessity if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle!Toxins are everywhere. We are continually inhaling and assimilating residues from car exhaust, petrochemicals, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, second hand smoke and ingesting plastics from packaging and BPA’s. Many shampoos, deodorants, hair and skin products contain a laundry list of chemicals and additives. Many of the foods that we eat at restaurants or buy at the grocery store are loaded with chemicals, preservatives, and additives. Toxins are in our home environment and can be found in antibacterial soaps and toothpastes,flame retardants, petrochemical derivatives and are found in furniture, toys, carpet, and electronics and are hormone disrupters.
We are living in the most polluted environment in Earth’s known history. More than 95% of cancer is caused by environmental toxicity and diet (Columbia Univ School of Public Health )
•The average city water contains more than 500 chemicals (USA Today)
•Studies show that most of us have between 300-800 chemicals stored in the fat cells
•The herbicide atrazineis in 94% of our water supply. (Pesticide Action Network)
Juicing, Herbs, Teas and Supplements can help flush toxins however most toxins are stored in your fat cells and accumulate over time such as mold, heavy metals like lead, nickel, cadmium, mercury, and aluminum, Glyphosate and with certain pharmaceuticals and drugs like THC and require additional cleansing methods to purify the body. The most effective ways to remove toxins from fat cells include: * Footbaths * Sweating - Saunas/Exercise * Ketosis

The IonCleanse Footbath provides the most thorough and efficient way to cleanse and purify the body. It is more effective and faster than any herbal or fasting protocol. The IonCleanse® system is based on the somewhat complicated action of electrolysis for 30 minutes. The array is placed into about 3 inches of warm water in a foot tub and a small amount of salt is added. The person's feet are then placed into the water and the control unit is turned on. These ions neutralize charged particles in the person's body. By neutralizing toxins in the body, the then heavy metals and other toxins can exit the body safely. Some of the toxins will exit the body via the feet (which have the largest pores in the human body) into the foot tub, while other toxins will exit the body through sweat, urine, and other natural body functions.
Sweating: Farinfrared Saunas
Sweating does more than cool you off. It also helps you get rid of both heavy metals and toxins in small but significant amounts. A 2012 review of 50 studies found that sweating removes lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury, especially in people with high heavy metal toxicity. Sweating also eliminates hormone-disrupting BPA’s that accumulate in your fat cells. Farinfrared saunas operate at 110° to 140° not like a health club sauna go from 160 to 180 degrees°. Farinfrared heat penetrates as much as 1.5" below the skin so your body produces up to three times more detox than in a conventional sauna. Full Spectrum saunas include near infrared waves that penetrate even deeper at 880 nm and help heat the core temperature more quickly. Taking Niacin 20 minutes before your sauna session or exercise helps with circulation and sweating. It is important to move the lympahtic system prior to using a sauna or footbath for optimum results.

Ewot Exercise with Oxygen for 15 minutes prior to the sauna is ideal. When doing ewot you want to increase your heart rate while breathing 96 pure oxygen through your nose and mouth.
PEMF - iRMS mat is easy to use every day to increase our micro circulation and get rreduction in inflammation. Ideal to do before yoiur EWOT, Hyperbaric, Oxygen Bath or Hydrogen Inhalation.
Red Light Therapy is the new medicine for pain relief, recovery and anti aging. Full Body Red Light Therapy with a sleeping bag, red light bed or red light pads are an integral part of the daily protocol and have many benefits for overall health.
Exercise/Toning – Rebounders/Chi Machines/Whole Body Vibration Machines EMS Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Exercise is another way to help you to sweat and lose fat. Exercise moves the lymph and increases lipolysis (the breakdown of fat tissue), and releases toxins stored in your fat tissue. Studies show that people who exercise and lose body fat end up with higher levels of circulating hormone disruptors.