Antioxidants Supplements
Antioxidants are your first line of defense and are used to neutralize the free radicals that can damage your body.
What are Oxygen Radicals?
Oxygen Radicals are chemicals that are constantly inside our bodies. They are a normal everyday part of living. But, even though we all have these oxygen radicals, they are bad for us. These oxygen radicals can damage our cells. They do this damage by a process called oxidation. If our bodies can neutralize or cancel these oxygen radicals before they do damage, then they won't hurt us.
What is Oxidation?
Oxidation is a natural process that occurs around us all the time. One example of oxidation is rusting. For instance, you can think of a metal bridge that is rusting. Rusting is oxidation. What happens when metal rusts? It becomes weak and flaky. It doesn't serve its function anymore. It can't support the weight of the bridge. It doesn't do what it's supposed to do, because it is damaged be becoming old or weathered. THIS EXACT SAME PROCESS HAPPENS IN YOUR BODY! Just like a rusting bridge, the cells, organs, and other parts of your body can be made weak by oxidation. This can lead to diseases, like cancer and heart disease.
Is there anything I can do to stop this oxidation damage from happening in my body?
YES!! Glutathione Enhancement. Asea, YAge patches can help the both naturally help your body to produce Glutathione.
The most powerful antioxidant in the world is not from a juice or berry it is from your body it is from Glutathione.
Research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Research shows that GSH levels decline by 8% to 12% per decade, beginning at the age of 20. Levels of glutathione are further reduced by continual stress upon the immune system such as illness, infection, and environmental toxins. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, glutathione, must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body. The presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response.
The most powerful antioxidant is not in fruits or drinks, it is the antioxidant which is produced by our body and its name is "Glutathione". Glutathione will slow down the aging process, detoxify and improve liver function, and also make the immune system stronger. Glutathione helps increase energy. It also improves concentration, mental functions, as well as lung and heart function.
Research shows that Glutathione levels decline by 8% to 12% per decade, beginning at the age of 20. Increasing age and other factors reduce the body's production and utilization of glutathione. Research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Levels of glutathione are further reduced by continual stress upon the immune system such as illness, infection, and environmental toxins. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.
Important Roles of Glutathione:
- Fights against oxidative cell damage (from free radicals)
- Immune system enhancement
- Amino acid transport
- Cellular detoxification
- Protein synthesis
- Fights cellular Inflammation
- Enzyme activation
- ATP (energy) production
Glutathione is a master antioxidant, an important line of defense against diseases, toxins, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress. Low glutathione levels are linked to diseases such as Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Atherosclerosis, pregnancy complications, male infertility and Cataracts. A Glutathione deficiency can cause a lack of coordination, mental disorders, tremors and difficulty maintaining balance. Glutathione is continuously defending our body against attacks from disease, toxins, poisons, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress. Without Glutathione our liver would soon become overwhelmed with the accumulation of toxins, resulting in organ failure and death. The level of Glutathione in our cells is predictive of how long we will live.
There are several products that can help increase gluthione levels including:Asea - A Unique product that increases glutathione up to 500% and helps rid the body of excess lactic acid while helping to decrease heart rate during exercise.
ASEA™ is based on more than 16 years of research, making it a safe and natural way to help your body function as it should.
Based on the data, about 70% of the athletes that try ASEA can go longer at the same power burn or to operate at a higher power burn than possible before ASEA.
"I am a competitive cyclist and often ride 50+ miles a day. On a familiar ride up Emigration Canyon my heart rate ranges between high 150 to 170. When taking 4 oz of ASEA and on that same ride, my heart rate ranges between 140’s to 160’s. My recovery is shorter and my leg muscles never feel extreme fatigue." ~ Mark, Salt Lake City, UT
One of the best ways to stop oxidation is by choosing the right foods to eat. This is where ORAC is important. ORAC is a way to measure how many oxygen radicals a specific food can absorb. The more oxygen radicals a food can absorb, the higher its ORAC score. The higher its ORAC score, the better it is at helping our bodies fight disease.
Which foods are best at fighting disease? Which foods have high ORAC scores?
This is easy. Plant foods have the highest ORAC scores! Plant foods are best at fighting disease. By plant foods we mean: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and many other things. Brightly colored foods are the ones with the highest ORAC scores. This means these are the foods that help fight disease the best by stopping oxygen radicals from causing damage in our bodies. Think bright reds, greens, oranges, blues, purples, yellows, and oranges. What foods do these words describe? Strawberries, spinach, blueberries, blackberries, eggplant, yellow peppers, carrots, and oranges. Nearly all of the ORAC protection is in the skin of these foods. Any brightly colored fruits and vegetables that you can think of are good for you to include in your diet EVERY DAY! As a matter of fact, research shows that people who eat more of these plant foods have lower risk of cancer. See the following chart for an understanding of the relative anti-aging protection of various foods.
Interesting facts about Glutathione
1. Glutathione is a master antioxidant, an important line of defense against diseases, toxins, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress.
2. Glutathione is continuously defending our body against attacks from disease, toxins, poisons, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress. Without Glutathione our liver would soon become overwhelmed with the accumulation of toxins, resulting in organ failure and death.
3. Glutathione is manufactured by every one of our trillions of cells and is one of the most important healing and cleansing agents.
4. The level of Glutathione in our cells is predictive of how long we will live. We need this miraculous antioxidant to survive and, without it, our liver would soon become overwhelmed with the accumulation of toxins.
5. Big Pharma has been unsuccessful at creating a drug to increase Glutathione inside the cell - even though they have spent over $500 million on this task.
6. Glutathione is so important medically that there are over 86,000 articles at the National Institute of Health website on this "master antioxidant" of the body (see www.PubMed.gov and search for Glutathione).
7. Glutathione is manufactured by every one of our trillions of cells and is one of the most important healing and cleansing agents inside the cells.
8. Glutathione is a small protein produced naturally in every cell of our body. It is made up of three protein building blocks called amino acids.
9. Starting at about age 20 we start losing Glutathione production at about 1% per year, but compromised health and excessive use of medications can deplete the body of Glutathione more rapidly. Some scientists estimate that a 30% reduction of Glutathione is enough for cellular dysfunction to set in.
10. The level of Glutathione in our cells is predictive of life expectancy. In fact, Glutathione levels are the sole predictor of death for H.I.V. patients.
11. If you can get the precursors of Glutathione into the cells the Glutathione production in the cells can be increased. Again, the challenge is getting these substances through the digestive tract, through the cell membrane, and then inside the cell.
12. Unfortunately, Glutathione taken orally is ineffective due to the stomach acid breaking the protein down. The body sees glutathione the same way it sees meat. Nonetheless, many glutathione supplements are being sold since the many benefits of glutathione are becoming well known. People buying glutathione supplements are wasting their money since this amino acid is broken down in the stomach the same way the stomach acid breaks down meat for digestion.
13. As with most things in life, it is true here as well: talk is cheap. Many companies claim their products increase Glutathione inside the cell. However most companies have no scientific evidence their products increase intracellular Glutathione. They will say the ingredients in their products should increase Glutathione.
14. Everyone that wants to increase the Glutathione inside their cells should only use products that are clinically proven via real third party studies (i.e. double blind placebo controlled studies). Then the consumer can take their Glutathione accelerators with confidence that their Glutathione is actually increasing. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant and protects all cells. Glutathione levels decrease about 1% per year starting at age 20. Would you like to increase your Glutathione level?
What scientists say?
"The liver is the major storehouse for glutathione. Glutathione is impaired in alcoholic hepatitis as well as in viral hepatitis A, B, and C. Raised glutathione levels restore liver function." - American Journal of Gasteroenterology 91: 2569-2573, 1996.
"Raised glutathione levels help increase strength and endurance. Those interested in physical fitness can benefit from a definite athletic edge." - Journal of Applied Physiology 87: 1381-1385, 1999.
"Lymphocytes, cells vital for your immune system, depend on glutathione for their proper function and replication." - IMMUNOLOGY 61: 503-508 1987.
"Glutathione detoxifies a variety of pollutants, carcinogens and poisons, including many found in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It also retards damage from radiation exposure due to the eroding ozone layer". - Annual Reviews of Biochemistry 52: 711-760 1983.
"Antioxidants are well documented and known to possess vital roles in health maintenance and disease prevention. Glutathione is your cell's own major antioxidant. Maintaining elevated glutathione levels aids the body's natural antioxidant function." - Biochemical Pharmacology 47: 2113-2123 1994.
"Strong muscular activity, such as that experienced by athletes, generates oxyradicals [free radicals] leading to muscle fatigue and poorer performance. Glutathione neutralizes these radicals". - Sport Medicine 21: 213-238, 1996.
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