Research Body Slimming - Light Therapy Inch Loss
Light Therapy and Inch Loss/Fat Loss Clinical Studies and Research
Red Light Therapy Pads - Red Light Beds - Laser Like LEDS - Lipo Laser - Low Level Laser Pads - what is the difference?
There are many products available that use Red Light or NIR or Green Light for inch loss and body contouring.
Some products are general wellness products that do not require FDA clearance and some are FDA Cleared for different intended uses that have to do with circumference reduction. Here is the information and research links to some of the Clinical Studies on Light Therapy so you can do your own research. There are many products that are cleared as fat reducing low level lasers and others that are general wellness led light products that use the same wavelengths as the cleared pads or lipo lasers that have been proven and received 510k clearance.
Recently the new led diodes that are used on the body pads and red light beds have improved and the new output power on some has tested stronger than the pads and can be used by anyone without a physician. Get the facts and your questions answered. Give us a call or send us an email so we can give you a free consultation so you can find the right product. If you find better pricing or other products that we do not offer please let us know so we can give you the best price possible.
Whole body light therapy has no negative side effects, is completely safe. The treatment itself should be done every other day or at least twice per week until the results you desire are achieved. The length of time is determined on whether the therapy itself. The unique light emitted from our device causes the fat cell membranes to temporarily alter the permeability of the cell wall. This brief change allows some of the fat contents to seep out to where it can then be processed by the body. The process also increases collagen and elastin in the skin while creating a slimmer appearance. Most programs require 12 - 24 sessions over several months to achieve desired results.
You may see some immediate results, however it takes a couple of weeks for the body to excrete the fat through the Urine, Stool and Sweat and to be burned off. Some of the fatty acids will get re metabolized by the liver and used as fuel. Results are not guaranteed and must be combined with diet and exercise to be an adjunct to obesity.*
- WHAT HAPPENS TO THE FAT After being released, the fat is broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol and enters the blood stream. Once in the blood stream, the fatty acids can be either used as fuel or quickly eliminated by the body. What happens to the fat cells? No harm is done to the fat cells; they simply shrink to a fraction of their original size.
Unlike conventional liposuction, the idea of noninvasive light therapy is not to remove fat cells, but to shrink them. The low level laser energy penetrates down to the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes. This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, potentially resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy. "Think of your fat cells as groups of juicy grapes," Heather says. "The laser beam reaches the fat cell and shrinks the contents, and those grapes become raisins."
A study in the Journal of Obesity Surgery researched red light therapy for body contouring. This 2011 double-blind, randomized study performed light therapy at 635-680 nanometers (nm) on participants for four weeks and recorded effects on the waistline. At the end of study, participants had achieved a statistically significant reduction in waistline girth.[4]
- In a similar study published in Lasers in Surgery Medicine, participants who received light therapy showed a significant reduction in overall circumference, including each part of the body. Researchers concluded that light therapy can cut down on the circumference of the specific areas that are treated.[5]
- A 2013 study in the same journal also found benefits from red light therapy at 635 nm for contouring the hips, thighs, and waist. At the end of the trial, researchers found a mean loss of 2.99 inches in overall body size compared to the starting point. Separately, the thigh, waist, and hip areas all showed a reduction too. Researchers concluded that red light therapy at this level and wavelength was safe and clinically effective (Figure A).[6]Figure A: Comparison of inches lost between Test Group and Placebo Group.
References: [1] Peterson P.S., Lei X, Wolf RM. CTRP7 deletion attenuates obesity-linked glucose intolerance, adipose tissue inflammation, and hepatic stress. American Journal of Physiology. Feb 2017;10:1152.
[2] Avci P, Nyame TT, Gupta GK, et al. Low-Level Laser Therapy for Fat Layer Reduction: A Comprehensive Review. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Aug 2013;45(6):349-357.
[3] Figueiro MG, Plitnick B, and Rea MS. Light Modulates Leptin and Ghrelin in Sleep-Restricted Adults. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2012. [4] Caruso-Davis MK, Guillot TS, Podichetty VK, Mashtalir N, Dhurandhar NV, Dubuisson O, Yu Y. Efficacy of low-level laser therapy for body contouring and spot fat reduction. Obes Surg. 2011. Jun;21(6):722-9.
[5] Jackson RF, Dedo DD, Roche GC, et al. Low-level laser therapy as a non-invasive approach for body contouring: a randomized, controlled study. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Dec 2009;41(10):99-809.
[6] McRae E and Boris J. Independent evaluation of low-level laser therapy at 635 nm for non-invasive body contouring of the waist, hips, and thighs. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Jan 2013;45(1):1-7.
Study of the Effect of Low Level Laser Light Therapy on Reducing the Appearance of Cellulite in the Thighs and Buttocks. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01702259
“Phototherapy improves cellular activation which is an important factor for the treatment of cellulite.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21740089/
“Our results demonstrated for the first time that phototherapy enhances the physical exercise effects in obese women undergoing weight loss treatment promoting significant changes in inflexibility metabolic profile.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26220050/
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) reduces subcutaneous adipose tissue by modulation of systemic lipid metabolism
Independent for non-invasive body contouring
Body contouring using light therapy
Light therapy for fat layer reduction
Efficacy of low-level laser therapy for body contouring
Light therapy as a non-invasive approach for body contouring
Full Body LED Red Lightpads are a system that was designed for the medical and aesthetic market, specifically to address inch loss and body contouring in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle program. When recommended exercise was combined with proper diet and lifestyle many have reported dramatic inch loss.
*Here are the results of the clinical trial that included Diet and Exercise by American Pain and Wellness:
• Their weight decreased an average of 13 pounds
• Their BMI (Body Mass Index) decreased 2.2 points
• They lost an average of 2 ½ inches from their waist (all the weight loss was from their abdomen)
• Their systolic blood pressure dropped an average of 10 points
• Their diastolic blood pressure dropped an average of 6 points
• Their total cholesterol decreased an average of 17%
• Their LDL or bad cholesterol decreased an average of 20%
• Their Triglyceride levels dropped an average of 27%
• Their insulin sensitivity index increased an average of 12%
• Their blood insulin levels dropped an amazing 40%
• Their C-Reactive Protein (a measure of inflammation in the body)decreased an average of 12%
*During the clinical trial participants avoided all sugar, flour, bread, cereals, rice, pasta, and potatoes. They also began a modest aerobic exercise program for 30 minutes 5 times per week. Exercise, diet and moving the lymphatic system are necessary to get results for fat loss. Results are not guaranteed and will vary person.
Disease Management Program to Help Patients with Chronic Pain Study American Pain and Wellness, Plano, Texas John L. White, Jr. M.D., Steven L. Remer, M.D. Treatment Protocol. Treatment Protocol was at the directed by their physical and employed patient office visits, Internet based behavior modification program daily educational emails, and bi-weekly phone consultations with Certified Lifestyle Coach.
During the clinical trial, participants avoided all sugar, flour, bread, cereals, rice, pasta, and potatoes. They also began a modest aerobic exercise program for 30 minutes 5 times per week. They all commented on how easy the program was and how great they felt. In fact, all 25 participants were able to do all three aspects of the Healthy for Life Program at least 80% of the time.
How Does Light Therapy Work to Reduce Fat?
It has been well documented that red light at certain wavelengths stimulates mitochondrial and cellular energy (called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP) production. This happens as part of the cellular respiration process in which cells break down and convert stored energy—releasing waste products along the way.
Most researchers agree that light therapy affects adipocytes, which are cells that store fat, causing the lipids to disperse. In other words, light therapy helps the body wash away fat cells.[1]
Light therapy may work in other ways that affect fat and weight loss. For instance, a 2012 study in the International Journal of Endocrinology showed that light can affect hunger, which could help prevent the buildup of extra fat before it even begins. This study found that red light helped control levels of the hunger-related hormones leptin and ghrelin in sleep-deprived participants.[3]
Conclusion: The Data Shows That Light Therapy Truly Does Enhance Weight and Fat Loss and is an adjunct to obesity when combined with diet and exercise. These are General Wellness Products and have a low risk to users safety. No Physician or license is required to light therapy services to others.
Overall, red light therapy has shown positive results for fat loss and body contouring across many different clinical studies. This type of therapy offers a safe, non-invasive alternative for helping people improve their looks and their overall health. It’s time to add weight and fat loss to the long list of light therapy benefits!
*Red Light Therapy or Low Level Laser Therapy is considered a general wellness product under FDA 21 CFR and is intended only for general wellness use and presents a very low risk to users’ safety. This system encourages a general state of health or a healthy activity and is part of a exercise and diet program and promotes a healthy lifestyle. 510k clearance is not required.
890.5350 Exercise Component. For the Intended Use to: Restoration of motion to joints, redevelop muscles and as an adjunct to obesity as part of a diet and exercise program.
§890.5500 Infrared lamp. (a) Identification. An infrared lamp is a device intended for medical purposes that emits energy at infrared frequencies (approximately 700 nanometers to 50,000 nanometers) to provide topical heating. (b) Classification. Class II (performance standards).
§890.5380 Powered exercise equipment.
(a) Identification. Powered exercise equipment consist of powered devices intended for medical purposes, such as to redevelop muscles or restore motion to joints or for use as an adjunct treatment for obesity.
(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in §890.9.
The pool of ideal candidates for light therapy or laser liker lipo is a little bit smaller than for traditional lipo because the procedure isn't perfect for extensive weight loss. It might be right for you if you're:
- Only about 25 pounds over your ideal weight
- More concerned with "problem areas" than total-body weight loss
- In good health with good skin elasticity
Exercise and moving the lymphatic system right after session is required for light therapy to be an adjunct to obesity.*
We use WBV Whole Body Vibration on a Hypervibe G17 immediately after the wrap to get the lymphatic system moving. Walking at least 30 minutes within 4 hours of the session is also highly recommended daily or any kind of exercise like Treadmill, Bike, Rebounder, Swimming, Walking or Skiing.
Pneumatic Compression or massage is also highly effective at moving the lymphatic system and providing the exercise component.
The Medical Breakthrough Massage chair offers exercise and lymphatic movement and reflexology and stretching as a relaxing way to move the lymphatic system and reduce stress. The chair has a full body scan and 4D massage with full body stretch and twists your hips side to side. It is the first massage chair in the world to offer these features and uses 167 air cells making it the most amazing massage. Complete reflexology for the feet and hands designed by Doctors for optimal results
Avoid eating 2 hours before and after a wrap session. Drink ½ of your body weight in ounces per day and walk 30 minutes per day. No Sugar, Alcohol, Grains, Rice, Potatoes or Processed Foods should be consumed during the 12-24 session period. Getting into Ketosis will help the body use fat for fuel can jumpstart the fat burning process. Always consult with your physician before starting any diet or exercise program.
My favorite program to use is Purium’s 10 Day Transformation Diet Plan that includes Amino Acids has shown extremely positive results for most people. Highly recommended easy to follow diet to ensure success with a long term lifestyle to maintain. Sweating and burning calories in an Infrared Sauna after the wrap is also ideal to speed up the elimination process.
KETOSIS AND BURNING FAT FOR FUEL Pruvit Keto Drinks make it easy to reach Ketosis in hours instead of days
Typically it takes several days of fasting or sticking to unrealistic diet plans to reach ketosis. Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where the body burns fat for most of its energy rather than carbohydrate and is an effective way to induce lipolysis, particularly if you are fasting. Fat offers the body 225% more energy than carbohydrates. When you’re in ketosis and you haven’t eaten recently, your body breaks down your fat stores into free fatty acids, which it then converts to ketones for fuel. Keto drinks allow the body to begin converting into a state of nutritional ketosis within a matter of hours, not days. Many leading scientists, medical professionals, and nutrition experts agree the ketosis lifestyle is the pinnacle of health and well being. In theory, you should be able to supercharge your detox and fat loss by dropping into nutritional ketosis. If you skip carbs for several days or fast you can achieve nutritional ketosis. Keto drinks works in about 4 hours and you can test to see that you have ketones in your urine. The presence of elevated levels of ketones in the urine is a primary indicator that the body is in ketosis. Ketosis simply means that the body's stored fat cells are being utilized as the primary fuel source to produce energy. The conclusion can be drawn that the higher the concentration of ketones in urine, the higher the amount of fats cells metabolized by the body.
Guided meditation such as Brain Tap can help to relax during sessions and provide positive mindset.
BRAIN TAP - Guided Meditation with Music - Light Frequencies - Sound Frequencies - Spoken Word
Using four modalities the listener is gently guided into the relaxed brainwave state of Theta, which intrinsically results in the reduction of the stress hormone, adrenaline. Brain Tap offers a series of meditations designed specifically for for red light or low level laser lipo.
*Weight loss results can vary depending on the individual. There is no guarantee of specific results. I do not provide medical advice. The information is for educational purposes only. Results May Vary: Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss results will also vary from person to person. The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your before undertaking a new health care regimen.
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