Research EMS Electrical Muscle Stimulation
EMS Electrical Muscle Stimulation Device Research - HIFEM Emsculpt Clinical Studies - Compare to Coolsculpting
BTL conducted 7 studies with over 200 patients on the abdomen and buttocks using Emsculpt Hifem therapy. The studies show how effective EMSCULPT is at burning fat and increasing muscle mass. They measured fat and muscle with imaging (CT scans and MRI studies), comparing photos before and after treatment, and measuring changes in waistline measurements.
On average, the following were achieved in clinical studies on healthy patients:
- 19% reduction of fat
- 4 cm (1.5 inches) loss in waistline circumference
- 16% increase in muscle mass
- 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (called diastasis recti)
- 5 x increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment)
- 80% patients with visible lifting effect of buttocks
- 96% patient satisfaction
EMSCULPT is a completely new device that is in a body contouring class of its own. It’s the first FDA-cleared energy device approved to burn fat and build muscle mass. It’s a no-downtime, pain-free, non-surgical way to define the abs and lift the buttocks.
How Many EMSCULPT Treatments are Needed?
Clinical studies with EMSCULPT for the abdomen and buttocks treated patients for 30 minutes, twice a week for 2 weeks, a total of 4 treatments. Typically, one treatment every 3-6 months for maintenance is required to maintain results, .
Who is a Good Candidate for EMSCULPT?
Adults in good shape who desire more definition of their abs or lifting of the buttocks are ideal candidates for EMSCULPT.
EMSCULPT is well-suited for those who workout but just can’t seem to get a six-pack or a perky derriere. Good candidates are already physically active and adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
What Areas of the Body Can be Treated with EMSCULPT?
EMSCULPT is FDA-cleared for the abdomen and buttocks. However, other areas of the body may benefit from increased muscle tone and fat metabolism.
Areas well-suited for treatment may include:
- Abdomen
- Buttocks
- Triceps (upper arms)
- Thighs
How long does it take to see results following EMSCULPT?
Some patients notice increased muscle tone of the abs one day following treatment. The roughly 16% increase in muscle mass and 20% reduction in fat were measured 2 months after the 4th treatment.
How does EMSCULPT compare to other methods of fat reduction such as CoolSculpting?
EMSCULPT is a non-surgical approach to high-definition abs and butt lifting. It has no downtime or pain, but requires a series of treatments and periodic maintenance.
Cryolipolysis, often termed "CoolSculpting" by Zeltiq, is a method of non-invasive fat removal that freezes fat, causing fat cell death and elimination. CoolSculpting is non-invasive and can reduce unwanted fat. However, cryolipolysis is a form of spot treatment for fat reduction. Larger areas such as the abdomen often require multiple applications, with each session lasting 1 hour. The fat is frozen during treatment, and must be massaged, as it feels like a frozen stick of butter immediately after treatment.
In a small minority of cases, cryolipolysis can cause significant discomfort following treatment, rarely requiring pain medication after treatment. Additionally, cryolipolysis is somewhat technique-dependent. Multiple applicators to treat a large area such as the abdomen must be stacked and overlapped to avoid irregularities following treatment.
Coolsculpting requires an MD. Emsculpt can be done by Trained Technicians, Massage Therapists and Estheticians or Asetheticians.
Be sure to verify with your State as laws vary in each state.
Is fat loss and increased muscle mass permanent following EMSCULPT treatment?
Fat cells destroyed by increased fat metabolism with EMSCULPT is permanent. However, weight gain causes remaining fat cells to grow, leading to possible loss of effect.
Muscle mass is not permanent, but likely lasts 6 months or longer. Periodic EMSCULPT treatments can maintain the muscle tone achieved from an initial series of EMSCULPT treatments.
What happens if I gain weight following EMSCULPT treatment?
A healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise maintenance, is encouraged following your series of EMSCULPT treatments. An increase in weight will allow fat stores to accumulate. This may occur disproportionately in areas untreated by EMSCULPT.
- Emsculpt on The View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9d2XGacU68
- Emsculpt on ET: https://www.etonline.com/media/videos/watch-dorinda-medley-test-out-new-cosmetic-procedure-that-promises-ab-tastic-results
- Emsculpt with JD McCoy: https://www.abc15.com/lifestyle/sonoran-living/sl-sponsors/contour-medical-reduce-fat-and-build-muscle-at-the-same-time
- Emsculpt on CBS with Katz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6lvhWR98f4
- Coffee with America: http://www.coffeewithamerica.com/summer-beauty-kate-de-ponte
- Emsculpt on Fox Chicago: http://www.fox32chicago.com/mornings/jake-hamilton-talks-with-josh-mcbride-about-spring-fashions
- EMSCULPT Sacramento Dr Suzanne Kilmer
- EMSCULPT San Diego Fox TV Dr Nowak
- EMSCULPT Dr Weiner Santa Rosa Bch, FL
10.EMSCULPT Dr Calkin & Boudreaux, Sacramento, CA
11.Let's Talk Live DC Getting Wedding Ready with Real self editor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa_EthdVzbw&feature=youtu.be
12.KRON4 Medical Minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ2uHzVbys8
15.Emsculpt on Good Morning America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkr52Ft4YmQ
16.Emsculpt on E!News: https://app.criticalmention.com/app/#/clip/public/2f0f4a64-2348-40a8-a25e-2d6aa8f90623
17.Emsculpt on Fox Chicago with Carolyn Jacob: https://www.fox32chicago.com/mornings/356614836-video
18.Emsculpt on 6 ABC WPIV with Dr. Richard Goldfarb: https://6abc.com/health/new-procedure-promises-to-cut-fat-build-muscle-non-invasively/4269224/
19.“Get Fit For Fall” with on-air lifestyle expert, Josh McBride on KCAL 9 News Sunday + CBD Vegas TV + promoted by https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/video/category/spoken-word-kcaltv/3940060-lifestyle-expert-offers-ways-to-get-fit-for-fall + https://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/video/3940060-lifestyle-expert-offers-ways-to-get-fit-for-fall/
20.Emsculpt on EXTRA with Ava Shamban MD: http://extratv.com/videos/0-6y9g4ri5/
21.Emsculpt on The Doctors with Brian Kinney MD: https://youtu.be/VMQlT7VVkR0
22.Emsculpt on The Morning Blend with Wisconsin Vein Center & Medispa: https://www.tmj4.com/shows/the-morning-blend/a-new-device-reducing-fat-and-building-muscle-1018
23.Emsculpt on Atlanta & Company with David Kent MD: https://www.11alive.com/video/entertainment/television/programs/atlanta-and-company/burn-fat-with-btl-aesthetics/85-8292975
24.Emsculpt on TODAY: https://www.today.com/video/what-is-emsculpt-klg-tries-the-ab-tightening-procedure-1395944515649
Clinical Studies PDF's Emsculpt
Emsculpt Journal MRI Muscle Fat Study - Brian Kinney
Emsculpt DS Journal Ultrasound Study - Bruce Katz MD
Emsculpt Ultrasound 12 month Follow up
Possible contraindications to treatment include the following:
- Metal or electronic implants in the treatment area
- Cardiac pacemakers
- Implanted defibrillators
- Implanted neurostimulators
- Drug pumps
- Malignant tumor
- Hemorrhagic conditions
- Epilepsy
- Recent surgical procedures
- Pregnant and nursing females should not undergo treatment with EMSCULPT. Women who are close to menstruation may find that it comes sooner or cramping is increased/intensified with EMSCULPT treatments, therefore we recommend not undergoing treatment during this time of the month.
- Is EMSCULPT a TENS device?
- No, but it is the closest analogy to HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electro Magnetic) energy used to power EMSCULPT. TENS, (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) devices, produce small amounts of battery-powered electrical energy to stimulate muscle contraction. TENS devices are used to treat pain disorders.
- EMSCULPT, on the other hand, is an extremely powerful device measured in Tesla, a measurement of magnetic induction often used to describe MRI imaging.
EMSCULPT is capable of producing supraphysiologic contraction of muscles and is exponentially more powerful than a TENS device.
How Much Does an EMSCULPT Session Cost?
EMSCULPT is sold as a package of four treatments for $3000. Periodic maintenance with a single treatment every 3-6 months is encouraged. A single treatment of EMSCULPT ranges nationally from $700 per treatment.
Summer Body Shaper
The Summer Body Shaper
The Summer Body Shaper uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic
(HIFEM) field technology to induce short-term bursts of strong muscle contraction, resulting in increased
muscle density, reduced volume, improved clarity and improved tone.
This Device is for private members only.
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