
RF Inner Cleanse

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RF Inner Cleanse Footbath - Heat Therapy

RF INNER-Cleanse is a thermal shock wave depth conditioning instrument that circulates RF (Radio Frequency) vibration energy through the meridians of the feet to the whole body. Fresh oxygen and nutrients are circulated faster through the blood, detoxing the organs. Blood circulation is accelerated, and toxins and waste are broken down.

The RF INNER-Cleanse Foot Detox utilizes Radio Frequency to elevate the internal temperature of the body. As the heat boosts metabolism, toxins and waste undergo breakdown and are directed to the liver for elimination. Functioning as a thermal shock wave depth conditioning tool, the Foot Detox circulates Radio Frequency vibration energy through the soles of the feet, extending to the entire body. By placing bare feet on the device’s plates, it triggers a one-megahertz frequency. The device then pulses this frequency into the body in 10-millisecond bursts. This delivery mechanism induces a lowgrade fever, elevating the body temperature by one and a half degrees.


Utilizing German Microcrystalline Radio Frequency Technology, our RF Inner Cleanse Detox enhances deep cellular blood circulation throughout every organ in the body. This not only elevates the body’s core temperature, bolstering its defense against ailments but also promotes lymphatic health. An increase in the body’s core temperature by a single degree can boost immunity by up to 5 to 6 times.


The specific radio frequencies released by the RF INNER Cleanse play a pivotal role in optimizing the circulatory system. They also harmonize with the frequencies of organs connected to circulation, elevate the body’s natural metabolic pace, and fortify the immune response. This results in a rapid circulation of blood, facilitating the breakdown and expulsion of toxins and waste.


Substances like mucous, cholesterol, and fat, which can cling to arterial and venous walls, may be dispersed and eventually expelled by the body. This process allows for a faster distribution of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, leading to detoxification of the organs. Consequently, cellular and genetic structures can undergo rejuvenation and repair by the body.


The RF INNER-Cleanse comes with accessories that can help you optimize the benefits of radio frequencies. These accessories include a stand (optional) and a waistband (optional).

Stand: The stand has a quick-adjust locking system that lets you customize the angle of the machine. The stand also has a supporting ridge to secure the device.
Foot Detox Machine: This lightweight machine is easy to move and carry. It has a screen display you’ll utilize to select your customized settings from the buttons below it. The white lid can be lifted to allow user convenience. The electrode plates can accommodate all foot sizes and remain at room temperature. (Watts: 280w; Volts: 110v)
Waistband: The waistband is another feature that benefits you from radio frequencies. The band allows you to use the same one (1) megahertz frequency, infrared heat, and vibration to stimulate the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and spleen.

How to Use the RF INNER-Cleanse Stand: Lift the top part of the stand that has the feet image. You will see ridges on the back that help you position your desired angle. Secure the support rod in place.

How to Use the RF INNER-Cleanse Machine: Connect the power cord firmly into the power port of the RF INNER-Cleanse device with the other end plugged into a 100-200 volt outlet. Switch the power to ‘on’ on the back of the device. (If the power cord is stiff, ensure it is inserted fully). Position the unit so that the electrode plates are at a comfortable angle for the feet. You may use the stand to position the device in a comfortable position. Place bare feet firmly on the electrode plates. Adjust the settings on the screen display located on the device. The time, energy+, energy-, and start/stop settings are designated specifically for the electrode plates. The model, intensity+, intensity-, and temperature settings are designated for the band. (These settings do not adjust the electrode plates’ settings but the waistband’s settings).

How to Use the Waistband: The waistband plugs into the back of the RF INNER-Cleanse machine. Place it around the waist and secure it in place. Adjust the settings on the screen display located on the device. The model, intensity+, intensity-, and temperature settings are designated for the band. (These settings do not adjust the electrode plates’ settings but the waistband’s settings). The time, energy+, energy-, and start/stop settings are designated specifically for the electrode plates.


1. Connect the power cord firmly into the power port of the RF INNER-Cleanse device and the other end to a 100-200 volt outlet. Switch the power to ‘on’ on the back of the device. (If the power cord is stiff, ensure it is fully inserted). 2. Position the unit so that the electrode plates are at a comfortable angle for the feet. You may use the stand to position the device at your preferred incline level. 3. Place bare feet firmly on the electrode plates. 4. Adjust the desired time of the screen display located on the device.

The default is 30 minutes. Adjust the intensity of the energy output from low to more intense based on the user’s comfort.  Press the start button.

How it Works: The energy will first focus on the ankles, gradually ascending through the legs and ultimately reaching the entire body; this process may require multiple sessions. Consuming an ample amount of room-temperature purified water throughout the session aids in raising the body’s temperature, enhancing blood circulation, and facilitating the release of toxins. As the oscillating waves of energy penetrate deeply into the body from the feet’s soles, the body temperature will rise. Recommended Use: Use once a day, twice at most, but the interval between should be more than three hours. The initial use should be 30 minutes at maximum. Each consecutive use can be 30 minutes long. The intensity should be adjusted to the user’s comfort level every time. For your personal use in a treatment cycle or a clinic, use once a day for ten days, adjusting settings every other session according to the user’s comfort.

Benefits of Heat The circulation of blood decelerates in colder temperatures, leading to weakened cell metabolism. With each one-degree drop in body temperature, metabolism decreases by approximately 12%, and immunity is reduced by more than 30%. At a temperature of 95.9°F, cell multiplication occurs, potentially allowing for the invasion of viruses and bacteria, leading to various functional disorders. Conversely, at a temperature of 103.2°F, cells initiate the dying process, making it challenging for many viruses and bacteria to survive.

Follow these precautions before using the device.

• Before beginning treatment, remove metal objects such as rings, necklaces, watches, and other things from your body.

• Drink warm water when using the instrument. Be sure to drink up to 7 to 10 oz before, during, and after using the device. The warmth of the water promotes blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, and gives full ability to the warming of the body. 

• Users should adjust the instrument according to their physical conditioning and tolerance level.

• Adjust the energy intensity, starting low and moving to a higher setting. Be careful to increase and adjust carefully, keeping your or the patient’s comfort in mind.

• Bathing is not recommended within one hour after use.

• The conditioning time is 30 minutes each time of use, including 30 minutes for first-time users.

• If you or a patient have hypoglycemia, pay close attention to the physical conditions of yours or the patient during use. A blood pressure and blood glucose meter may be helpful in these conditions. 

• Turn off and cool the device 3-5 minutes after each use and before the subsequent use.

• Users should wait half an hour after a meal, use on an empty stomach, or wait half an hour after exercise or feeling fatigued.

• Electrode plates must be disinfected with medical-grade alcohol between each use to avoid crosscontamination. Frequently Asked Questions Are there any side effects on the body? Hyperthermia treatment is an effective means of health care and disease prevention with a history of thousands of years. Common side effects:

• Knee and calf soreness, which is a typical symptom as a result of the radio frequency vibrational frequencies.

• Drowsiness, irritability, and difficulty falling asleep are also common if done too late in the evening.

• Supplement with the proper nutrition and hydration to relieve these symptoms. Symptoms that may be supported using the RF INNER-Cleanse Foot Detox

• People with weakened immune systems

• People who desire weight loss or anti-aging effects It may be used for the following symptoms in conjunction with a physician:

• Neurological conditions

• Kidney deficiency, tinnitus, forgetfulness, insomnia, migraine, headache, dizziness, and neurasthenia.

 Shock, heel pain, arrhythmia, loss of appetite, and frequent urination.

• Common symptoms: colds, stuffy nose, tonsillitis, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids.

• Diabetes, gout, hypertension, hypotension, motion sickness, nephritis, renal cysts, hepatobiliary stones, bronchitis and asthma.

• Gastrointestinal disorders: duodenal ulcer, stomach pain, gastritis, hyperacidity, and gastrointestinal dysfunction.

• Inflammation: periarteritis, arthritis, chronic pelvic inflammation, pelvic abscesses, colitis, and phlebitis.

• Acute and chronic inflammations include prostatitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and otitis media.

• Pain: neck, shoulder, waist, and leg pain, sciatica, abdominal pain, periarthritis, cervical spondylosis, and intercostal nerve.

• Pain symptoms include trigeminal, neuralgia, sciatica, low back pain, and back pain.

• Gynecological diseases: mastitis, lobular hyperplasia, pelvic inflammatory disease, appendicitis, and pelvic infusion.

• Fallopian tube inflammatory obstruction infertility, vulvar eczema, vaginitis, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and palace cold.

• Symptoms such as menopausal syndrome.

• Eye diseases: symptoms of eye disease such as senile cataract, glaucoma, and presbyopia.

• Skin conditions: shingles, skin eczema, chronic erysipelas, acute soft tissue, and chronic inflammation.

• Tenosynovitis, synovitis, arthritis, joint fluid, disc herniation, lumbar muscle strain, and trauma.

• Wet lung, urethritis, bedsores, refractory skin ulcers, and other symptoms

• Symptoms caused by immunocompromised disease What are some benefits of sweating? • Eliminating toxins

• Controls blood pressure

• Promotes digestion

• Prevents osteoporosis

• Restores metabolism

• Swelling drainage

• Improves immunity

• Weight loss How hot do the plates get when the device is on?
The plates will be at room temperature, so you can touch them without getting burned. The heat is being generated in our body, not on the device. Using the RF INNER-Cleanse in Clinics What happens at a patient’s first visit? The RF INNER-Cleanse Foot Detox process begins with the patient sitting on a chair or recliner where they can comfortably sit for 30 minutes. The initial visit should be scheduled for 30 minutes. Subsequent visits should also be scheduled for 30 minutes.

The intensity should be adjusted to the comfort level of the patient. 


• High fever

• Pregnant women

• People with hearing problems

• Within one year of lactation

• Internal bleeding

• People with severe cardiopulmonary insufficiency

• If the individual’s wounds have not healed after surgery.

• People with weak hearts and or kidney failure must consult their physician first.

• People with implanted electronic devices such as pacemakers or cochlear implants in vivo must consult their physician first.

• Individuals with extremely low blood sugar.

• People with high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure ≥ 160 or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 110).

• People with cerebral hemorrhage.

• Minors under the age of 12.

• People with myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and people with cerebral hemorrhage and strokes within the last six months.


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