Body Slimming & Muscle Toning
Muscle Building Machines - Compare Emsculpt with truSculpt® flex
Muscle Toning devices build muscle and improve metabolism to burn more calories
truSculpt® flex and Emsculpt are both excellent and amazing devices for muscle building with proven results.
truSculpt® flex truSculpt® iD RF Device for Fat Loss
Emsculpt has many years of clinical studies backing their device and the support and quality is exceptional and proven to work in just Four 30 minute sessions. You can use 4 paddles at one time.
truSculpt® flex is a newer machine. The stimulation is multidirectional so it feels different than the Emsculpt or Summer BodyShaper. truSculpt® flex offers continual changing of the stimulation to ensure muscle confusion to get more size and strength faster. I could tell the difference between these devices with just 1 session.
The EMSculpt and truSculpt fleX are both FDA approved muscle sculpting treatments administered to tone muscle. Both are non invasive procedures, require zero incisions or injections, and result in no downtime at all, just muscle soreness.
With muscle sculpting treatments there is no strain on ligaments, bones and joints meaning that the body doesn't need to produce energy. This means there is significantly less lactic acid build up, which is also why there is limited soreness post-treatment. In many ways it's bypassing the body's natural function and thus eliminating the related side effects while also being more effective.
Moreover, results can be seen immediately for both treatments. They can both be used to target specific, hard to reach areas and drastically increase the results you would get from going to the gym. However, although these two treatments can help you achieve the same goals, they use very different mechanisms.
The EMSculpt device delivers electromagnetic energy to muscles in the treatment area causing them to contract supramaximally. In other words, the machine causes muscles in an area to contract and experience more stimulation than would be possible with a manual workout. As a result, muscle is built while also allowing for fat reduction and body contouring.
Pros Studies have been shown that the EMSculpt can help patients lose up to 20% in fat and gain 15% in muscle mass in every targeted area. It also has no side effects or downtime.
Cons While the EMSculpt activates motor neurons there is no specific focal point. This means that it is less specific and effective a targeting muscle fibers.
Due to the electromagnetic stimulation technology muscles can only be stimulated in one one direction. i.e. it doesn't twist and turn the muscle like the fleX it just performs a linear contraction. This means that the EMSculpt doesn't stimulate the muscle from end to end and only has one mode, whereas the fleX has three. The EMSculpt is very expensive, and can range upwards of $5000 for a full treatment, which also consists of many sessions and only 2 areas can be treated at once.
The truSculpt fleX, on the other hand, uses Electro Muscular energy to specifically target muscles and force algorithm controlled contractions by way of electrical currents.
Each fleX 45 minute session is the equivalent of 54,000 repetitions per muscle group targeted. That's a lot of repetitions! A full fleX treatment yields the results of 3-6 months of consistent High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This process allows for very specific muscle fibers to be targeted. Up to eight muscle groups can be targeted at a time. Unlike the EMSculpt, the truSculpt fleX is best for individuals who are relatively lean. truSculpt® flex averages a 33% increase in muscle mass while Emsculpt averages a 16% muscle gain and is the equivalent of 20,000 repetitions per 30 minute session.
After trying both Emsculpt and truSculpt® flex with the bidirectional stimulation it is clear that the top choice for the fastest most powerful muscle building device is the truSculpt® flex. The Emsculpt has just a fraction of the intensity and power levels than the truSculpt® flex. Having 16 stimulation points instead of just 4 paddles allows you to target muscle areas more specifically and cover more areas than with the larger paddles. The 3 different programs and levels of intensity give you variety and a better overall workout.
Fat Loss
If you are looking for the best fat loss device that has a proven track record and FDA clearance with an average of 24% fat reduction in just one 15 minute session, then look at the truSculpt® iD - Monopolar RF device. Clinically proven to reduce fat with a much higher fat loss than with Emsculpt that averages a 19% reduction in fat in four 30 minute sessions.
The truSculpt® iD machine is a perfect match with the truSculpt® flex muscle building device. Clients that spend 15 minutes on the truSculpt® iD Machine for RF then 45 minutes with the truSculpt® flex Machine will have the most powerful combination for fat loss and muscle building I have ever seen.
In house financing is available for Trusculpt machines so if you want to apply or have a demonstration of these devices then contact us so we can get you started right away. 75 Clients are guaranteed in the first 90 days included plus training.
truSculpt® flex to Emsculpt
A single EMSCULPT treatment is the equivalent of doing approximately 30,000 sit ups or squats.
EMSCULPT is a completely new device that is in a body contouring class of its own. It’s the first FDA-cleared energy device approved to burn fat and build muscle mass. It’s a no-downtime, pain-free, non-surgical way to define the abs and lift the buttocks.
A single EMSCULPT treatment is the equivalent of doing approximately 20,000 sit ups or squats
BTL conducted 7 studies with over 200 patients on the abdomen and buttocks. The studies show how effective EMSCULPT is at burning fat and increasing muscle mass. They measured fat and muscle with imaging (CT scans and MRI studies), comparing photos before and after treatment, and measuring changes in waistline measurements.
On average, the following were achieved in clinical studies on healthy patients:
- 19% reduction of fat
- 4 cm (1.5 inches) loss in waistline circumference
- 16% increase in muscle mass
- 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (called diastasis recti)
- 5 x increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment)
- 80% patients with visible lifting effect of buttocks
- 96% patient satisfaction
EMSCULPT is a completely new device that is in a body contouring class of its own. It’s the first FDA-cleared energy device approved to burn fat and build muscle mass. It’s a no-downtime, pain-free, non-surgical way to define the abs and lift the buttocks.
Summer Body Shaper is an affordable option
Muscle Toning with Optional Arm/Leg Band or add the Seat for Pelvic Toning
The Summer Body Shaper is a super affordable Muscle stimulation machine that feels alot like the Emsculpt but not as strong. I got great verifiable results with the Summer Body shaper right away and even though you can only do 2 paddles at a time and it takes longer it is easy to use, reliable and produces results. The shaper has an option to add the arm/leg paddles that are curved and has straps to hold in place making it easy to tone the entire body. An optional seat is available for Pelvic Toning and well worth getting. Many woman love the seat to help build those hard to reach pelvic muscles and help with incontinence.
Red Light/Infrared is an Adjunct to Obesity when combined with diet and exercise.*
Whole body light therapy has no negative side effects, is completely safe. The treatment itself should be done 2 -3 times per week until the results you desire are achieved. The unique light emitted from our device causes the fat cell membranes to temporarily alter the permeability of the cell wall. This brief change allows some of the fat contents to seep out to where it can then be processed by the body. The process also increases collagen and elastin in the skin while creating a slimmer appearance.
HOW DOES Red Light/NIR Infrared WORK?
Unlike conventional liposuction, the idea of noninvasive light therapy is not to remove fat cells, but to shrink them. The low level laser energy penetrates down to the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes. This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, potentially resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy. "Think of your fat cells as groups of juicy grapes," Heather says. "The laser beam reaches the fat cell and shrinks the contents, and those grapes become raisins."
You may see some immediate results, however it takes a couple of weeks for the body to excrete the fat through the Urine, Stool and Sweat and to be burned off. Some of the fatty acids will get re metabolized by the liver and used as fuel. Results are not guaranteed and must be combine with diet and exercise.
The pool of ideal candidates for laser liker lipo is a little bit smaller than for traditional lipo because the procedure isn't perfect for extensive weight loss. It might be right for you if you're:
- Only about 25 pounds over your ideal weight
- More concerned with "problem areas" than total-body weight loss
- In good health with good skin elasticity
The technician applies the pads to the targeted areas, inundating it with the wraps for 10 to 20 minutes. You are welcome to enjoy a 30 minute session if you like but it is not necessary because of the output power of the new pads.
Treatment schedule
Though some clients will begin to notice results after only a few sessions, most require 6–8 sessions to see maximum results. If you need to lose more than 20 pounds it is likely you will want to do at least 12 sessions. Two treatments per week or every other day for four to six weeks is recommended for most people but will vary depending on goals.
WBV Whole Body Vibration on a Hypervibe is used immediately after the wrap to get the lymphatic system moving. Walking at least 30 minutes within 4 hours of the session is also recommended daily or any kind of exercise like Treadmill, Bike, Rebounder, Swimming, Walking or Skiing. Using EWOT - Exercise with Oxygen can accelerate the process. Pneumatic Compression massage is also highly effective at moving the lymphatic system.
Avoid eating 2 hours before and after a wrap session. Drink ½ of your body weight in ounces per day and walk 30 minutes per day. No Sugar, Alcohol, Grains, Rice, Potatoes or Processed Foods should be consumed. Getting into Ketosis will help the body use fat for fuel. Using a Pruvit Drink Mix to get into Ketosis in hours instead of days can jumpstart the fat burning process.
Using Purium’s 10 Day Transformation Diet Plan that includes Amino Acids has shown extremely positive results for most people. Highly recommended easy to follow diet to ensure success with a long term lifestyle to maintain. Sweating and burning calories in an Infrared Sauna after the wrap is also ideal to speed up the elimination process.
Because the treatment is not invasive, no downtime is required.
LED Energy safely penetrates the skin at target adipose (fat) cells and the fat absorbs the light natural. The fat becomes poreous and the Fat Cells release free fatty acids (FFA’s), water and glycerol. These compounds together are also known as triglycerides. Some of the Free Fatty Acids are converted triglycerides in the liver and returned to the plasma to be used as fuel.
Trigycerides are normally released from fat cells when the body needs energy. Fatty acids and oxygen produce energy. I also use recreational oxygen and do cardio for 15 minutes right after the wrap because higher Oxygen levels in the body can enhance fat burning. I then sweat in an infrared sauna to help burn calories and release the fat cells and Toxins. Most of our toxins are stored in our fat cells so when we eliminate the toxins and excess fat we can feel better.
It is critical to sweat, move the lymph and drink a lot of water and to flush the fat out of the body permanantly. The fat must come out through your stool/ urine bowels, bladder, sweat glands or be burned off. The fat can be used as fuel or eliminated by the body and no harm is done to the fat cells; they simply shrink to a fraction of their original size. There is no instant fat loss and it takes weeks for the body to process the fatty acids in the blood stream so results are delayed but if consistent and proper diet and exercise is continued the results can be amazing.
Clinical studies: A study in the Journal of Obesity Surgery researched red light therapy for body contouring. This 2011 double-blind, randomized study performed light therapy at 635-680 nanometers (nm) on participants for four weeks and recorded effects on the waistline. At the end of study, participants had achieved a statistically significant reduction in waistline girth.[4]
- In a similar study published in Lasers in Surgery Medicine, participants who received light therapy showed a significant reduction in overall circumference, including each part of the body. Researchers concluded that light therapy can cut down on the circumference of the specific areas that are treated.[5]
- A 2013 study in the same journal also found benefits from red light therapy at 635 nm for contouring the hips, thighs, and waist. At the end of the trial, researchers found a mean loss of 2.99 inches in overall body size compared to the starting point. Separately, the thigh, waist, and hip areas all showed a reduction too. Researchers concluded that red light therapy at this level and wavelength was safe and clinically effective (Figure A).[6]Figure A: Comparison of inches lost between Test Group and Placebo Group.
- Independent for non-invasive body contouring
Body contouring using light therapy
Light therapy for fat layer reduction
Efficacy of low-level laser therapy for body contouring
Light therapy as a non-invasive approach for body contouring
Conclusion: The Data Shows That Red Light Therapy Truly Does Enhance Weight and Fat Loss and is an adjunct to obesity when combined with diet and exercise. These are General Wellness Products and have a low risk to users safety. No Physician or license is required to offer the service to others.
Overall, red light therapy has shown positive results across several different clinical studies. This type of therapy offers a safe, non-invasive alternative for helping people improve their looks and their overall health.
References: [1] Peterson P.S., Lei X, Wolf RM. CTRP7 deletion attenuates obesity-linked glucose intolerance, adipose tissue inflammation, and hepatic stress. American Journal of Physiology. Feb 2017;10:1152. [2] Avci P, Nyame TT, Gupta GK, et al. Low-Level Laser Therapy for Fat Layer Reduction: A Comprehensive Review. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Aug 2013;45(6):349-357. [3] Figueiro MG, Plitnick B, and Rea MS. Light Modulates Leptin and Ghrelin in Sleep-Restricted Adults. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2012. [4] Caruso-Davis MK, Guillot TS, Podichetty VK, Mashtalir N, Dhurandhar NV, Dubuisson O, Yu Y. Efficacy of low-level laser therapy for body contouring and spot fat reduction. Obes Surg. 2011. Jun;21(6):722-9. [5] Jackson RF, Dedo DD, Roche GC, et al. Low-level laser therapy as a non-invasive approach for body contouring: a randomized, controlled study. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Dec 2009;41(10):99-809. [6] McRae E and Boris J. Independent evaluation of low-level laser therapy at 635 nm for non-invasive body contouring of the waist, hips, and thighs. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Jan 2013;45(1):1-7.
Cryolipolysis is used to Kill fat cells not Shrink Fat cells
The Cryo 21 has 4 wands for Body Contouring, Pain Relief, Lip volumizing and more
*Weight loss results can vary depending on the individual. There is no guarantee of specific results. I do not provide medical advice. The information is for educational purposes only. Results May Vary: Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss results will also vary from person to person. The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your before undertaking a new health care regimen.
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